Monday, September 24, 2012

Amazing me week!

Today we invited the children to write their own names on their paper. Many of the children cannot actually write their own name yet and others are already well on their way. But as each child begins to get in the habit of writing his or her own name on their art work or "making their mark", soon their name will begin to take shape but for now, any mark they make is just perfect.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Colors Week

Colors are all around us. We used cereal this time to incorporate different skills such as sorting, counting, gluing and more. This was a very fun learning experience plus the children learn their colors in english and spanish. Try it at home!

Los colores estan a nuestro alrededor. Esta vez utilizamos cereal para incorporar diferentes areas de aprendizaje como clasificar, contar, probar, pegar, escribir y aprender los colores en ingles y espanol. Intentalo en casa!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Window Murals

I found this idea in a cute website, I tried it with my preschool children and they absolutely love it and enjoy it.

The activity was so much fun and promoted lots of open- ended creativity.  It's clean and reusable too. I cut out shapes in different colors, and children arrange them any way they wanted to. At one point we run out shapes and they cut out some more.  Children were able to easily stick the pieces to the window by dipping them in a plate of water first. painting . What a fun day!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One of my favorite activities at preschool is cooking. Today we read the the story of "The little red hen". Children were so engaged after we sang, and reacted the story. We also made bread, yes! we made bread, the children were able to copy the recipe and helped me add on all of the ingredients. By doing this they were able to recognize quantities, count, follow instructions, wait for their turn, connect preview knowledge with real events. It was a great lesson!! Children loved it!