Friday, April 25, 2014

Jugando con la naturaleza. Having fun with nature

 Spring is the air! We all can see the changes around us, flowers blooming, green trees waking up, bees, birds, and sunny days. 
A couple of years ago a bird built it nest on a tree by my window, my kids and I enjoyed watching the way the bird took care of the nest and laid the eggs and feed the little birds. When they left the nest we carefully removed it from the branch and I have kept it since then. 
I brought it to preschool so my little friends could actually see a real nest (nido), they observed it and were fascinated with all the things the bird used to built the nest. 
Something that I don' t understand just yet is how could a bird know what to use? Interesting!
Well I shared with the children a book called " More" and after that we went on a nest hunt, the children collected grass, rocks, yarn, twigs, paper, anything to built their own little nest.
It was so much fun!
 " Un pajarito, lindo y chiquito
Un pajarito con un piquito,
Come, come,come gusanitos,
Come, come, come gusanitos"

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